Like everyone, I have an inner child. And mine doesn't like to play by the rules. While I'm all nice and law-abiding on the outside, my inner child plays a headstrong game of hide-and-go-seek. He's looking for loopholes.
One of the Lenten loopholes he's found is this: fasting doesn't have to be literal. In other words there are plenty of things you can profitably fast from without disturbing your three square meals a day. That sort of non-food-related fasting is so valuable, in fact, we'll talk about it in the next post. But I still need to face down my inner child, who thinks he's pulled one over on God. "No need to actually go hungry, right?" he asks. "Not so fast, kid," I tell him. "Yes, we'll fast in creative ways this Lent. But we're also going to do some good old-fashioned fasting from food, as well!"